Late Hotel Check-Out
Late Hotel Check-Out Standard hotel checkout time is 12 noon and so are AirBnB and serviced apartments. What if you have a night flight and wish to travel luggage-free in the afternoon? Call us [...]
Crossing Border to Malaysia from Singapore
Crossing border to Malaysia from Singapore Hundreds of thousands travel by land between Singapore and Malaysia each day at 2 immigration points. Crossing border to Malaysia from Singapore may be time consuming, hassle and [...]
DIY Tour vs Packaged Tour
DIY Tour vs Packaged Tour DIY Tour vs Packaged Tour is a common question asked by holiday makers. Packaged Tour usually has a fixed itinerary of visit to places of attraction and departs at a certain [...]
Is Packaged Tour Worth It?
Why join packaged tour and regret You go on a holiday in a country you are not familiar. You buy a packaged tour (full day or half-day) because you thought it is hassle-free and you [...]
How to Buy Cheap Air Ticket Online
Most travelers seek to buy cheap air ticket from budget airline. Budget airline air fare will increase as it gets closer to the date of your intended travel. This is not all. What may not [...]
Where to buy Cheap Air Ticket Online
Most travelers seek to buy cheap air ticket from budget airline. Budget airline air ticket fare will increase as it gets closer to the date of your intended travel. This is not all. [...]